As everyone starts to settle into 2022 (and recommit to their New Year’s resolutions), we thought it’d be a nice time to revisit all the great accomplishments SugarWOD made in 2021.
You’ve shown us that the SugarWOD community is getting stronger every day. We love being a place where owners, coaches, and athletes can conquer their fitness together. Let’s aim for that energy in 2022!
A Quick Look at SugarWOD’s 2021 Wins
Here’s what we did on our end over the past year:
- Made software and app developments
- Released the SugarWOD x Zen Planner class scheduling integration
- Grew the SugarWOD Marketplace
- Joined the CrossFit Affiliate Partner Network
- Offered CrossFit Affiliate Programming through SugarWOD
And here’s what you brought to the table:
- 2 million gifs
- 4.8 million comments
- 27 million workouts logged
- 98 million fist bumps
- 250 million app opens
Thank you so much for your continued dedication to this community!
Software and App Developments
Getting user feedback is crucial to improving SugarWOD. Your participation helps us implement the changes y’all really want to see!
Here’s what we were able to work on for you this year:
- Coach Only and Programmer Only components: Have a warmup or workout that only your coaches or programmers need to see? That’s now an option in SugarWOD!
- Ability to a switch Custom Workouts to Gym Benchmarks: If you have a popular Custom Workout, consider upgrading it to a Gym Benchmark. Gym Benchmarks let athletes track PRs and see score history.
- Push notifications for individual tracks: Sometimes you want to get a little more targeted with your notifications. Now you can key in on the individual track level instead of posting at the gym level.
- Automatic Spanish translations: Part of opening the SugarWOD community to everyone includes broadening the language options. Our app will now appear in Spanish for any user who has their device language set to Spanish.
- Profile pictures for temporary frame users: Now even one-time attendees can upload a profile pic (*cough cough * Open participants *cough*), which makes for a better community experience.
SugarWOD x Zen Planner Class Scheduling Integration
In 2021, we unveiled the latest phase of the ongoing SugarWOD x Zen Planner integration: class scheduling. We released the beta version at the 2021 CrossFit Games, and people loved it! Hear about the integration experience from one of the attendees:
The class integration is all about improving the athlete experience. Owners plan out classes and set parameters in Zen Planner, and athletes get to interact with the intuitive calendar in the SugarWOD app. Your members will be able to:
- View your gym’s schedule
- Book a class
- Join a waitlist
- Cancel
- Check in
… all in one place! And the Whiteboard and notifications are just a tab away.
A Growing SugarWOD Marketplace
Our Marketplace plays a huge role in rounding out the fitness experience SugarWOD provides.
We’re proud to report that we grew from 50 partners at the end of 2020 to 65 partners by the end of 2021. We also grew in size from 17,990 subscribers to 23,521 subscribers. That means that last year, SugarWOD continued to bring more value to more people in our community!
If you haven’t checked out the SugarWOD Marketplace yet, here’s a list of the sorts of things we offer:
- Programming
- Food, beverages, and supplements
- Workout and recovery equipment
- Fitness apparel
- Software and agency services
CrossFit Affiliate Partner Network
We were super enthused to join the CrossFit Affiliate Partner Network in 2021. The APN is a collection of fitness brands offering high-quality products at significant discounts to CrossFit affiliate owners.
Our participation in the APN is our way of showing a little extra love to the CrossFit community. If you’re new to SugarWOD, sign up through the APN for a killer discount. Or if you’re a loyal customer already, you can shop our other brands — UpLaunch (marketing) and Zen Planner (business management) — at a discounted price.
CrossFit Affiliate Programming
CrossFit launched their CrossFit Affiliate Programming last year, and you can bet we were on it right away! CAP integrates with your SugarWOD calendar so your athletes can easily access it alongside your other programming options.