The fitness world is evolving, and so are we.
We began this journey in 2013 with a vision to provide CrossFit affiliates and athletes a social workout app. As decade-long CrossFitters, we felt we had a pretty good handle on how to create a fun mobile experience. Five years later, after working with thousands of box owners, we’ve also gained a lot of insight into what generates real business value for a functional fitness gym.
So, with almost 2000 gyms and over 400,000 athletes using our platform, we felt it was time to put these learnings into action and level up our approach. We’ve always wanted to “help gyms look good and athletes feel good,” but this refresh is more than just a design change.
More than ever, our purpose is to help gym owners differentiate their business in a crowded marketplace. With so many fitness choices available, gyms need to engage their athletes in new and innovative ways that drive long-term membership and fuels referrals. In 2018, it’s not enough to just be an “online workout logbook.”
We’ve incorporated this focus into a “new and improved” SugarWOD.
Explore the new SugarWOD and see how we deliver on The 3 C’s of the Workout Experience:
- The Highest Quality Coaching
- A Strong Athlete Community
- An Efficient and Effective Class
Check out our new look and gym resources:
- Our new website, Facebook and Instagram pages
- Our Workout Programming Marketplace
- Our new t-shirt shop
- Our growing team and job openings
- Our apps (coming soon)
Please let us know what you think! As always, we are thrilled to be working for you and this community!