One of the things we are most proud of is SugarWOD’s ability to connect athletes more closely to their box through the Whiteboard. We’ve heard from many of our customers that the connection the app creates, inside and outside of the box, increases retention and attendance. That’s pretty awesome.
However, there are a couple of areas where we knew we could provide more tools to our gym owners and coaches, to connect you more deeply and more consistently with your athletes. So, we made some big improvements and launched a new and improved SugarWOD!
Here are some highlights
As an owner or coach, you can now customize your Whiteboard photo. This means that you can recognize your athletes and make them feel special, by featuring pictures from your gym on the daily whiteboard. As an athlete, it’s pretty motivating to log into SugarWOD and see yourself or someone you know on the board.
There’s also a new section on the Whiteboard where you can publish featured announcements. There’s more to your gym than just the WOD—there are events, announcements, schedule changes, athlete profiles, etc. With this new section, you can feature an announcement and a link so that your members are aware of the latest news and events and have a chance to become even more active members of your community. AND! We’ve enabled comments on the Whiteboard. Now, you and your athletes can post comments like, “Anyone want to have a BBQ this Saturday? Let me know in the comments.” And the community can connect with each other and make plans, right there, in YOUR Whiteboard.
Lastly, and probably most notably, we’ve made the entire app more social with a global Friend Feed. This is a huge improvement. The app now brings the entire community of athletes together no matter where they work out—in a box, in a garage, at Globo Gym 🙂 We’ve created a place where athletes can connect with the worldwide CrossFit community, post pictures, workout results, etc. It’s a global, social app exclusively for CrossFit Athletes. Think Instagram for CrossFit. The great news is, as a gym, you get to play too! You can get more eyes on your box by publishing to the Feed and it serves as another area where athletes can see updates about your gym. In fact, anything that you post will automatically be published to your member’s Feeds.
Gym owners are often managing several different channels, a website, a Facebook group, SugarWOD, etc. Our goal is for SugarWOD to be the central channel for your communications. With the latest updates to the app, we hope to more deeply connect the CrossFit community and improve your communication with members and keep your gym top-of-mind.
Want more details? Check out the video in this post or see a full list of feature updates for iOS and Android.
Or! Just check it out for yourself. Download the latest iOS or Android updated apps.